Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Phrases and Fashion...

Yesterday was a rather lovely day! I went to my next appointment with my chiropractor, and he fixed me up good! I spent 45 minutes laying on the table while he poked and prodded, and twisted and popped.... And it was magic. 

I've been having trouble with sleeping lately, and I slept for 15 hours last night!
I'm going running tonight, so we'll see if the adjustment did what it supposed to...

While I was blog-searching last night I came across an adorable Tumblr page!
It's called Etiquette for a Lady, here's some of the posts:

8,291 notes
11,203 notes
6,057 notes

I also wanted to share today's outfit with you:

Jacket: Maurice's  Shirt: Vanity:  Jeans: Holister  Boots: Charlotte Russe

I'm headed to the gym for my workout, wish me luck!
Love, Morgan

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